Our disciple makers are teamed with individuals who disciple them in their relationship with God, and equip and encourage them in how to disciple others.
For details regarding prayer rhythms for Phoenix Underground, please see the Prayer Tab. Weekly prayer meetings are held on Zoom for Phoenix and for Arizona.
Contact us for more information or questions.
Contact us for more information or questions.

Extraordinary Prayer & Fasting
Every Disciple Making Movement begins with a prayer movement.
Our weekly rhythm of fasting and prayer will prepare the way for Kingdom movements in Phoenix and throughout Arizona. Together, we will be expecting a fresh move of God in our communities, city and state!
Observed weekly beginning Wednesday evening until Thursday dinner
Our weekly rhythm of fasting and prayer will prepare the way for Kingdom movements in Phoenix and throughout Arizona. Together, we will be expecting a fresh move of God in our communities, city and state!
Observed weekly beginning Wednesday evening until Thursday dinner
Personal Discovery Process
The Personal Discovery Process is uniquely designed to help individuals discover who they are in Christ by identifying their spiritual gifts and calling combined with their unique personality traits. Online tests are utilized and compiled for an individual session where test explanation and prophetic and personal ministry are shared. Contact Lissah for more information.

We believe these rhythms will be pivotal in helping us to stay on course as we continue to develop habits towards becoming a disciple of Jesus who makes disciples.